This will probably be our last Blog of 2016, so we wanted to let you all know what has been happening.
The development of the Quoakle directory has had some delays due to Tim Coysh's other commitments, i.e, a new job which he started a few months ago, but he has been able to do some occasional work revamping the website. We still hope at some point in 2017 that the new and improved directory will be relaunched. We will keep you posted as to when that will be.
Tim Davis, of TCD Web Design, is still helping out with websites and has learnt a lot about coding and design. He still hopes to fly out to Australia in April of next year and will be out there for approximately 6 months.
Sean Cresswell is still doing what he can to help continually promote the Great Days Out directory via all the relevant Social Media networks and to contact the myriad of businesses in the UK which is on the database. It has been encouraging to see the majority of businesses keen to renew with us during this past year.
Nigel Steele is still masterfully juggling all the paper work in the office! He was able to recently affirm our commitment to providing our highly valued clients Greenfields Garden Services with an improved package. This means we will be able to continue to provide them with a top quality service and look after 20 websites and online promotions, as well as their Social Media needs. We look forward to a longstanding partnership with them.
And finally, Christmas is swiftly approaching as well as the New Year, and many will be going out buying the Christmas Turkey with all the trimmings! It is a lovely time of year when family and friends get together. We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a blessed and prosperous New Year!