Thursday, 26 January 2017

Great Days Out has a new Theme!

Following on from our previous blog, we have continued with revamping the Great Days Out directory by completely re-installing a new theme to our website! This was something Tim took upon himself with his own initiative and boy have we seen the difference!

There have been considerable improvements with the functions and layout of the website. You will see that the Home page has had a tweaks. The Great Days Out Blog has now been also relaunched as the previous version was simply not good enough and was never initiated. This will now give us the opportunity to further promote our clients, as well as hopefully helping us acquire a better Google ranking.

It has been an already productive January! We will continue to do what we can to increase traffic to the directory as well as developing our other existing projects.

Monday, 16 January 2017

A little Tweak here and there

Research on how people use the internet confirms that more and more of us are using our iPhones and tablets to go online. In order to make our Great Days Out directory more easier on the eye for the user, we were able to alter the size of the county logo's as well as the category logo's, thanks to Tim's tweaking! To give you an idea of the alterations, you will see 2 pictures below. One is before the change and the other after...

Before the changes...

After the changes

You will see that the main webpage is more filled out. It only took a few minutes to do strangely enough, but it does make a difference!

Of course there are always things we can do to improve our user's experience of the website and we will continue to do so.

Thursday, 5 January 2017

A New Year beckons...

Well, didn't 2016 go fast? Where does the time go?

We are slowly picking up from where we left off. One of our goals this year is to see Great Days Out perform better on the Google rankings. It does seem that Google like to change the goal posts from time to time and it does leave us second guessing as to why certain key word phrases don't appear as high as they should on Google's listings. Be assured we are doing all that we can to rectify this ongoing battle!

We are also hoping that the Quoakle directory will have gone through it's complete transformation at some point during this year! Tim Coysh has been able to do a bit of work when he has been able to carve out some time. He keeps us up-to-date. We can't confirm when the new website will be live, but we are leaving it in Tim's capable hands and we will let you know when it is the finished article!

So, it is onwards and upwards! We wish you all a prosperous and inspiring 2017!