Once again, the UK will be soon drenched in wall-to-wall sunshine (Well we hope so anyways)! So, as the summer is just around the corner, we thought it would be good to keep busy by continuing to tweak our directory with adding more text.
This will give our existing, paying customers more exposure. So you will see that when you click on this page here : https://www.great-days-out.co.uk/south-west-england/gloucestershire/, and then click onto one of the advertising links, for example, 'Cattle Country', you will see a box appear in the middle of your screen with the same logo but with additional text.
Have a look at the snapshot below. This is how it will look when you carry out the procedure above.
We are hoping that this will also help with our Google listing and website ranking, as we have taken a bit of a 'hit' from the latest Google algorithm and have been doing all that we can to correct it!