Monday, 27 June 2016

An exciting New Partnership

It has been a couple of weeks since our last blog, this has been due to the fact that we have been contacting a lot of existing clients on our Great Days Out directory and have had their renewals come up. Thankfully most have decided to stay with us for another 12 months which has been fantastic for us of course!

However, we have even more great news! On the 8th of June, Sarah from Family Saver Card contacted us via our Days Out UK Twitter account and asked if they could work with us. Well we were instantly intrigued and after having several correspondences with the people behind the idea, we felt we could really help them with their SEO and promoting them on our directory! 

To find out more about this amazing business, please click here : We think they have a brilliant service and have a lot to offer families right across the UK! If you don't believe us then check them out for yourselves.