Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Tim is going Oz! It is official!

You may recall back in August of last year, Tim Davis of TCD Web Design, was planning to fly out to Sydney, Australia to attend a YWAM (Youth With A Mission) Sports DTS (Discipleship Training School). See http://quoakle.blogspot.co.uk/2016/08/australia-beckons-for-tim.html for more info.

Well, that was unfortunately postponed BUT it looks like he will now be going to Oz in April instead!
His blog is still operating and it will tell you more about the DTS. Here : Tim Down Under
He currently still needs to raise money to get him to Australia and to take part in the lecture phase of the DTS, so here are a few links to ways that you can support him:

To find out more about YWAM click here: www.ywam.org/about-us/
Tim plans to be away for 6 months still. He will be sorely missed in the Quoakle office!